Achieving the best in the west: Cultural Respect Encompassing Simulation Training (CREST)
This project developed a pool of thirty trained and culturally diverse simulated patients (SPs) who assisted entry-to-practice learners and graduate staff with interprofessional learning via four piloted cultural sensitivity training modules and eight case scenarios using immersive simulation scenarios. The SPs came from non-English speaking backgrounds and were from six cultural groups (Muslim, Italian and Greek, Vietnamese, Iraqi, Sudanese and Chinese). Religious backgrounds and sexual orientations were also factors that were examined and taken into consideration during this process. For more information and to register for the CREST program, please visit http://commercial.unimelb.edu.au/custom-education/courses/crest.
Development of a simulated program in a new HWA-funded integrated student supervised clinic
This project delivered simulated learning opportunities within an interprofessional student clinic that included face-to-face interviews with simulated patients and videoconference link ups for real-time observation.
Gippsland Regional Advancing Clinical Education (GRACE) Program
This project established a CPN-wide supervision training framework that included novice supervision training that articulated into VET qualifications; along with train-the-trainer components. The project also developed an online database of supervision resources and sought to develop training opportunities in community health, mental health, Aboriginal health and aged care.
Provision of a low/medium-fidelity simulation environment for teaching and learning in healthcare
This project developed Barwon Health's capacity to deliver low and medium-fidelity simulation alongside existing high-fidelity education and training activities. Funds were used to create teaching spaces at both the Barwon Health acute site, sub-acute site and aged care site for entry-level nursing and allied health students, postgraduate students and existing workforce. Barwon Health worked with partnered education providers to review curriculum and integrate opportunities for simulated learning.
Simulated Learning Environment (SLE) integration and development project for the Loddon Mallee Region
This project established two rural hubs for simulated learning and established a program for delivering training at these sites (three days a week), at additional small rural health services (equivalent to two days per week) and to other interested health services and education providers (one day per week).
Simulation-based training and interprofessional education (STRIPE)
The project developed an overarching and virtual team approach in the western region (Melbourne West) and ensure a collaborative approach to simulated teaching and learning thereby improving the safety and quality across the continuum of care for patients in the west.
Small rural health service clinical supervision project
This project embedded learning cultures via elements of the Best Practice Clinical Learning Environments (BPCLE) Framework within small rural health services, aged care facilities and other not-for-profit providers. The project included the delivery of novice supervision training, an advanced mentor program, and opportunity for clinicians to upgrade from a Certificate IV TAA to TAE.
Stepping up expectations for clinical supervision in the northern region; a collaborative, interdisciplinary approach
This project delivered tiered supervision training that included an introductory program for novice supervisors as well as Teaching on the Run workshops. The project included train-the-trainer components and engaged with expanded settings, such as community health and aged care, to support clinical placements in previously underutilised areas.
Clinical supervision: spotlight on conversations
The aim of this project is to develop an educational toolkit including DVD simulations and activity-based workshops for clinical supervisors, focusing on enhancing communication skills in a variety of circumstances. The purpose of the workshops is to refresh knowledge and translate that knowledge into clinical education practice. It includes strategies to plan and carry out conversations that may be seen as difficult or challenging, as well as opportunities to practice these conversations in a safe, supportive environment.
Further resources were developed in 2016 to support educators to facilitate the “fishbowl/real play” activity. This activity is described in detail in the Workshop Toolkit Booklet and is additionally supported by a package of short films. These seven films explain and demonstrate the activity in detail and include participant perspectives and a conversation about facilitating the workshop and this activity. Films in the package are identified in the list below with the first word “Facilitator”. All material in these films was captured live and unscripted. -
Clinical skills in hospitals projects
These projects designed and developed training packages for clinical skills trainers in Victorian hospitals, including clinical skills facilitator manuals and clinical skills training manuals. These manuals provide Victorian health professionals - specifically, hospital clinical educators - with the skills, knowledge and resources to deliver simulation-based clinical skills training.
The Clinical Skills Facilitator's (Train-the-Trainer) Basic Course focuses on educators who currently use or intend to use part-task trainers to teach clinical skills and the basics of scenario training. The Clinical Skills Facilitator's (Train-the-Trainer) Advanced Course is for participants who have completed the Basic Course and who would like to progress to the advanced skills required to conduct medium-fidelity simulation training. The information in this manual is provided to compliment training content in the Basic Course and is a resource for the workplace.
The eleven clinical skills training manuals are currently under review and updated to reflect current practice. They will be made available once complete, throughout 2016. If you are interested in receiving notification when these updated manuals are available, please email [email protected].
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